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How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Canada

Follow these three (3) easy steps to learn how to get medical marijuana in Canada from authorized producers under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (or MMPR).


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Step 1) Consult with a Health Care Practitioner

DoctorandPatientTreatment decisions are best made in consultation with your doctor. Under the MMPR, an authorized health care practitioner includes physicians and nurse practitioners in all provinces and territories. Schedule a visit with your healthcare practitioner to discuss:

  • Your current symptoms and medical conditions.
  • The previous medications you’ve taken, along with any therapies you’ve tried in the past, or are currently using to treat your health condition.
  • Share any of the side effects you have experienced from conventional medications and treatments with your healthcare practitioner.


Step 2) Obtain a Medical Document from your Health Care Practitioner

A young caring doctorIf your doctor believes that medical marijuana is a promising option to help you treat the symptoms of your condition, ask your doctor to complete the Medical Document. The Medical Document is to be completed only by an authorized healthcare practitioner.

  • Download the Medical Document from the official website of the licensed producer of your choice. All licensed Canadian medical marijuana producers have their own version of the Medical Document available on their website for the convenience of patients and doctors, but they all include the same information. Health care practitioners can complete Health Canada’s sample medical document or provide the required information in the format of their choice.
  • Bring a printed copy of the Medical Document to take with you to your doctor’s appointment so that your doctor can complete the form.
  • Make sure your health care practitioner includes all of the following information on the medical document signed and dated:
    • Your full name;
    • Your date of birth;
    • The address where you consulted with the practitioner;
    • The daily dose in grams as well as the time period of the prescription, the period of use which cannot exceed one year.
    • The health care practitioner’s name and, administrative information; and
    • An attestation by the health care practitioner that the information contained in the document is correct and complete.


Step 3) Register and Order with a Licensed Producer

Tilray ProductionOnce you’ve got the go-ahead from your health care practitioner and obtained a Medical Document, you can register as a client with your preferred licensed producer. The registration process may differ slightly from one producer to another, however; all producers will require you to submit the original medical document completed in full and signed by your health care practitioner along with their own registration form(s) before you can order medical marijuana.

After registering as a client, you will be able to order dried marijuana from the licensed producer.


Important Notes

  • Your medical marijuana will be mailed to you directly by the licensed producer. Retail store-fronts and dispensaries are not allowed under the marijuana for medical purposes regulations.
  • The amount of medical marijuana you can possess is the lesser of thirty (30) times the daily amount stipulated by your health care practitioner with a maximum of one-hundred-fifty (150) grams.
  • If asked by law enforcement, you can demonstrate that you are in legal possession of medical marijuana obtained from a licensed producer by showing either the label on the marijuana packaging containing your patient information or the separate document that will be included with your shipment of medical marijuana from the licensed producer.
  • The “Authorization to Possess” document issued from Health Canada is no longer accepted by law enforcement for medical marijuana ordered from a licensed producer.


Visit for more details on How to get medical marijuana in Canada


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