At 420resource, we think it is better, when traveling, to stay with cool people and get to know them over a smoke out sesh, then to stay in a sterile hotel where the old couple in the next room will be calling the front desk to complain about the smell of your fresh nugs. That is why we love the idea of CannabisCouchSurfers! It is not only a way to find a place to stay that is better adjusted to your personal needs, it also helps people in the stoner community, and helps everyone make friends!
CannabisCouchSurfers.Com is designed to help medical marijuana travelers and their friends by providing listings of people and places willing to provide a place to stay. Barter , or trading services is frequently a friendly way to provide accommodations. You can offer to take your host out to dinner or fix some thing for them in exchange for a place to stay. Couch surfing means finding an improvised place to stay. It could be on the couch or your own room. It is important to make sure you are comfortable so we adviseyou to check out your plans thoroughly and we offer you Skype so you can inspect the place before you arrive. No one can guarantee perfection but doing proper planning always helps. All information is kept strictly confidential and nerver shared. We encourage you to list and you can be anonymous by using a ficticious name. You can list as both a guest and a potential host . It is a great way to meet local and long distance friends.
CannabisCouchSurfers.Com makes every effort to be inclusive and offer our members discounts on selected items that are complimentary. We have relationships with many products and places. If you would like to watch our latest video it is – I Sail for marijuana- https://youtu.be/ZbCgn1WKnlU . To promote your product or service please let us know and we can provide you with space on our website. You can e-mail us at CannabisCouchSurfers@gmail.com.
★☆★ We LOVE what you do at CannabisCouchSurfers.Com★☆★
■●■ Just bring grass for a place to crash ■●■
★Meet local or long distance friends.
● Hotels don’t allow pets or smoking, our members do.
★★ Member Discounts on selected items.
■List for free and make $$. travel and save.
★ All information kept strictly confidential, never shared.
★★★ Register anonymously 4 Free ★★★
I Sail for marijuana